Fire Safety
Protect Your Home
Lushmeadows is one of 23 Planning Units in Mariposa County outlined
in the Mariposa County Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP).
Immediate Zone (0-5 feet from home structure)
Clean roofs and gutters of debris
Use fire-resistant landscaping (gravel instead of wood mulch)
Avoid planting vegetation directly around home
Intermediate Zone (5-30 feet from home structure)
Store firewood 30+ feet from structures
Keep grasses mowed to 4 inches
Trim trees up to 6-10 feet from the ground
Remove small trees and brush between large trees
Keep propane tanks clear of brush
Trees and shrubs should be in limited, small clusters to break up fuel.
Keep tree canopies 10+ feet from any structure.
Extended Zone (30-100 feet from home structure)
Remove heavy accumulations of ground litter/debris
Remove dead plants/trees
Thin small trees growing between large trees
Remove vegetation near sheds/outbuildings
Have a clearly marked address sign with three inch reflective address numbers against a contrasting background. Post your address number at the end of your driveway, and at any fork in the driveway. Make sure the address is clearly visible from 100 feet in both directions of travel from the roadway. The sign should be installed approximately 4 feet in height off the ground, and no higher than 6 feet.
Welcome to the Foothills
Educate yourself:
This booklet, Welcome to the Foothills, A Guide to Living Lightly in Mariposa County, is a starting point for information to help you effectively take care of your property, provide for personal safety and live in harmony with the flora, fauna and your human neighbors. The booklet is free, and available by calling Kris Randal at 209-966-3431, ext. 2, or visit the Mariposa County Resource Conservation District office.
A companion publication, Living in the Foothills, by the Natural Resources Conservation Service is also available at the MCRCD office.
Fire related phone numbers:
Fire Prevention Information: 209-966-3622
Burn Day information: 209-966-1200
Useful links:
Mariposa County Fire Safe Council
Mariposa County Resource Conservation District
US Forest Service, Sierra National Forest